nductor is one of the basic electronic components commonly used. It is also a kind of energy storage device like capacitor. It can convert electric energy into magnetic field energy. It often works with capacitors to form LC filters, LC oscillators, etc. It can also use the characteristics of inductors to manufacture chokes, transformers and relays, etc.
An inductor is a device that converts electrical energy into magnetic energy and stores it. The inductor is similar in structure to a transformer, but with only one winding. Inductor An inductor has a certain inductance, which only prevents the current from changing. If the inductor is in a state where there is no current, it will try to block the current from flowing through it when the circuit is switched on; If the inductor has current flowing through it, it will try to maintain the current when the circuit is disconnected. Inductors are also called choke, reactor and dynamic reactor.
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